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Listings for Reader:  

Mary Augusta ward


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J. Henry Shorthouse : John Inglesant

'One of the privately printed copies [of "John Inglesant" was] ... read by Mrs Humphry Ward and her advocacy persuaded Macmillan's to give it general release.'

Century: 1850-1899     Reader/Listener/Group: Mary Augusta Ward      


Mark Pattison : Memoirs

'[Mrs Ward's report of a conversation with Gladstone] 'I spoke of Pattison's autobiography as illustrating Newman's hold. He agreed, but said that Pattison's religious phase was so disagreeable and unattractive that it did small credit to Newman. He would much like to have seen more of the autobiography, but he understood that the personalities were too strong. I asked him if he had seen Pattison's last 'Confession of Faith', which Mrs Pattison decided not to print, in MS. He said no.'

Century: 1850-1899     Reader/Listener/Group: Mary Augusta Ward      Print: Book


Mark Pattison : 'Confession of Faith'

'[Mrs Ward's report of a conversation with Gladstone] 'I spoke of Pattison's autobiography as illustrating Newman's hold. He agreed, but said that Pattison's religious phase was so disagreeable and unattractive that it did small credit to Newman. He would much like to have seen more of the autobiography, but he understood that the personalities were too strong. I asked him if he had seen Pattison's last 'Confession of Faith', which Mrs Pattison decided not to print, in MS. He said no.'

Century: 1850-1899     Reader/Listener/Group: Mary Augusta Ward      Manuscript: Unknown


William Gladstone : Gleanings Of Past Years

'[letter from Mrs Ward to Gladstone] Thank you very much for the volume of "Gleanings" with its gracious inscription. I have read the article you point out to me with the greatest interest, and shall do the same with the others. Does not the difference between us on the question of sin come very much to this - that to you the great fact of the world and in this history of man, is [italics] sin [end italics] - to me, [italics] progress [end italics]? I remember Amiel somewhere speaks of the distinction as marking off two classes of thought, two orders of temperament.'

Century: 1850-1899     Reader/Listener/Group: Mary Augusta Ward      Print: Book


Henri Frederic Amiel : Journal Intime

'[letter from Mrs Ward to Gladstone] Thank you very much for the volume of "Gleanings" with its gracious inscription. I have read the article you point out to me with the greatest interest, and shall do the same with the others. Does not the difference between us on the question of sin come very much to this - that to you the great fact of the world and in this history of man, is [italics] sin [end italics] - to me, [italics] progress [end italics]? I remember Amiel somewhere speaks of the distinction as marking off two classes of thought, two orders of temperament.'

Century: 1850-1899     Reader/Listener/Group: Mary Augusta Ward      Print: Book


T.H. Green : Witness of God and Faith, The: Two Lay Sermons

'[letter from Mrs Ward to Gladstone, regarding his projected article about "Robert Elsmere"] If you do speak of him [T.H. Green], will you look at his two Lay Sermons, of which I enclose my copy? - particularly the second one, which was written eight years after the first, and to my mind expresses his thought more clearly'.

Century: 1850-1899     Reader/Listener/Group: Mary Augusta Ward      Print: Book


 : Gospels

'There, too, in the book-lined room which she had made her study, she would on Sunday evenings carry out in practice those ideas on the teaching of the Bible which she had striven to inculcate at University Hall. The audience sat on low stools or lay on the floor, while she read to them usually a part of the Gospels, making the scene live again, as only she could make it, not only by her intimate knowledge of the times, but by her gift of presentation. Systematically, making us use our minds to follow her, she would work through a section of St Mark or St Matthew, comparing each with the other, showing the touches of the "later hand", taking us deep into the fascinating intricacies of the Synoptic Problem. [the account continues at length, discussing Mrs Ward's attitudes to various parts of the Bible, later saying] it was impossible to listen to her reading the Walk to Emmaus, or the finding of the empty tomb, without coming under the spell of an emotion as deep as it was austere. For the fact that we in these latter days had outgrown our childhood and must distinguish truth from phantasy was no reason in her mind, why we should renounce the poetic value of scenes and pictures woven into the very fabric of our being'.

Century: 1850-1899     Reader/Listener/Group: Mary Augusta Ward      Print: Book


 : [books on 18th century Lancashire life]

'[letter from Mrs Ward to her father] Read the books about Lancashire life a hundred years ago, and see if they have not improved - if they are not less brutal, less earthy, nearer altogether to the intelligent type of life.'

Century: 1850-1899     Reader/Listener/Group: Mary Augusta Ward      Print: Book


 : [Paul's 1st Epistle to the Corinthians]

'[letter to from Mrs Ward to Mrs Leonard Huxley, her sister] After seeing those temples with their sacrificial altars and [italics] cellae [end italics], their priests' sleeping rooms and dining rooms [in Pompeii], I read this morning St Paul's directions to the Corinthians about meat offered to idols - in fact, the whole first letter - with quite different eyes'.

Century: 1850-1899     Reader/Listener/Group: Mary Augusta Ward      Print: Book


 : [blue books of statistics]

'[Mrs Ward] regularly put herself to school to learn every detail of the system of sweated home work prevalent in the East End of London at that time; wading through piles of Blue-books.'

Century: 1850-1899     Reader/Listener/Group: Mary Augusta Ward      Print: Book


 : [papers on Factory Law]

'[Mrs Ward writes to Mr Buxton about Sidney Webb's idea for a Factory Act for east London, and comments] I find the same thing foreshadowed in various other things on Factory Law I have been reading.'

Century: 1850-1899     Reader/Listener/Group: Mary Augusta Ward      Print: Unknown


Rudyard Kipling : 

'[At Mrs Ward's Passmore Edwards Settlement] One class, too, she kept as her very own - a weekly reading aloud for boys between eleven and fourteen, in the course of which she read them a great deal of Stevenson and Kipling'.

Century: 1850-1899     Reader/Listener/Group: Mary Augusta Ward      Print: Book


Robert Louis Stevenson : 

'[At Mrs Ward's Passmore Edwards Settlement] One class, too, she kept as her very own - a weekly reading aloud for boys between eleven and fourteen, in the course of which she read them a great deal of Stevenson and Kipling'.

Century: 1850-1899     Reader/Listener/Group: Mary Augusta Ward      Print: Book


 : [Catholic literature]

'All through the winter of 1896-7 Mrs Ward was steeping herself in Catholic literature' [as research for her book "Helbeck of Bannisdale"].

Century: 1850-1899     Reader/Listener/Group: Mary Augusta Ward      Print: Book


 : [Catholic literature]

'Many Catholic books, in which she browsed "with what thoughts", as Carlyle would say, followed her to Levens [a house she rented in Kent], giving her that grip of detail in matters of belief or ritual without which she could not have approached her subject [the novel "Helbeck of Bannisdale"], but which she had now learnt to absorb and re-fashion far more skilfully than in the days of "Robert Elsmere".'

Century: 1850-1899     Reader/Listener/Group: Mary Augusta Ward      Print: Book


 : [Catholic literature]

'[letter from Mrs Ward to her father] One of the main impressions of this Catholic literature upon me is to make me perceive the enormous intellectual pre-eminence of Newman. Another impression - I know you will forgive me for saying quite frankly what I feel - has been to fill me with a perfect horror of asceticism, or rather of the austerities - or most of them - which are indispensable to the Catholic ideal of a saint. [she discusses this at length, concluding] Don't imagine, dearest, that I find myself in antagonism to all this literature. The truth in many respects is quite the other way. The deep personal piety of good Catholics, and the extent to which their religion enters into their lives, are extraordinarily attractive.'

Century: 1850-1899     Reader/Listener/Group: Mary Augusta Ward      Print: Book


 : Civilta Cattolica

'[letter written by Mrs Ward from Italy] We read the "Tribuna" and the "Civilta Cattolica", which on opposite sides [of a controversy between Liberals and Clericals] breathe fire and flame'.

Century: 1850-1899     Reader/Listener/Group: Mary Augusta Ward      Print: Serial / periodical


 : Tribuna

'[letter written by Mrs Ward from Italy] We read the "Tribuna" and the "Civilta Cattolica, which on opposite sides [of a controversy between Liberals and Clericals] breathe fire and flame'.

Century: 1850-1899     Reader/Listener/Group: Mary Augusta Ward      Print: Serial / periodical


François-René, vicomte de Chateaubriand : 

'She had been reading much of Chateaubriand and Mme de Beaumont during the winter, and had felt her imagination kindled by the relationship between the two'

Century: 1850-1899     Reader/Listener/Group: Mary Augusta Ward      Print: Book


Jeanne Marie Le Prince de Beaumont : 

'She had been reading much of Chateaubriand and Mme de Beaumont during the winter, and had felt her imagination kindled by the relationship between the two'

Century: 1850-1899     Reader/Listener/Group: Mary Augusta Ward      Print: Book


Alfred von Harnack : 

'[letter from Mrs Ward to her husband describing an inept Cardinal's lack of knowledge about the crypt of St Peters, Rome] I said not a word - and came home and read Harnack!'

Century: 1850-1899     Reader/Listener/Group: Mary Augusta Ward      Print: Book


Adolf Julicher : An Introduction to the New Testament

'There was one German scholar with whom she had at any rate a lengthy correspondence - Dr Adolf Julicher, of Marburg, whose monumental work on the New Testament she presented one day in a moment of enthusiasm, to her younger daughter [the author] (aged seventeen), suggesting that she should translate it into English. The daughter dutifully obeyed, devoting the best part of three years to the task - only to find, when the work was all but finished, that the German professor had in the meantime brought out a new edition of his book, running to some 100 pages of additional matter. Dismay reigned at Stocks, but there was no help for it: the additional 100 pages had to be tackled. In the end Mrs Ward herself seized on the proofs and went all through them, pen in hand; little indeed was left of the daughter's unlucky sentences by the time the process was complete.'

Century: 1900-1945     Reader/Listener/Group: Mary Augusta Ward      Print: Book


Adolf Julicher : An Introduction to the New Testament

'There was one German scholar with whom she had at any rate a lengthy correspondence - Dr Adolf Julicher, of Marburg, whose monumental work on the New Testament she presented one day in a moment of enthusiasm, to her younger daughter [the author] (aged seventeen), suggesting that she should translate it into English. The daughter dutifully obeyed, devoting the best part of three years to the task - only to find, when the work was all but finished, that the German professor had in the meantime brought out a new edition of his book, running to some 100 pages of additional matter. Dismay reigned at Stocks, but there was no help for it: the additional 100 pages had to be tackled. In the end Mrs Ward herself seized on the proofs and went all through them, pen in hand; little indeed was left of the daughter's unlucky sentences by the time the process was complete.'

Century: 1900-1945     Reader/Listener/Group: Mary Augusta Ward      Print: Unknown, page proofs


Thomas Arnold : [private papers]

'[letter from Mrs Ward to Bishop Creighton, after her father's death] My father's was a rare and [italics] hidden [end italics] nature. Among his papers that have now come to me I have come across the most touching and remarkable things - things that are a revelation even to his children'.

Century: 1900-1945     Reader/Listener/Group: Mary Augusta Ward      Manuscript: Unknown


George Meredith : 

'How they [Mrs Ward and her brother William Arnold] would talk, sometimes, about the details of her craft, about Jane Austen, or Trollope or George Meredith! For this latter they both had a feeling akin to adoration, based on a knowledge not only of his novels but of his poems (then not a common accomplishment); and I remember W.T.A. once saying to me that he thought the jolliest line in English poetry was Gentle beasties through pushed a cold long nose'

Century: 1900-1945     Reader/Listener/Group: Mary Augusta Ward      Print: Book


George Meredith : Richard Feverel

'[Letter from Mrs Ward to the Society of Authors when that body recommended Herbert Spencer not George Meredith for the Nobel Prize] If Mr Meredith had written nothing but the love scenes in "Richard Feverel"; "The Egoist"; and certain passages of description in "Vittoria" and "Beauchamp's Career", he would still stand at the head of English "dichtung" [the quality Mrs Ward thought the prize should reward] There is no critic now who can be ranged with him in position, and no poet. As a man of letters he is easily first; to compare Mr Spencer's power of clear statement with the play of imaginative genius in Meredith would be absurd - in the literary field'.

Century: 1900-1945     Reader/Listener/Group: Mary Augusta Ward      Print: Book


George Meredith : Egoist, The

'[Letter from Mrs Ward to the Society of Authors when that body recommended Herbert Spencer not George Meredith for the Nobel Prize] If Mr Meredith had written nothing but the love scenes in "Richard Feverel"; "The Egoist"; and certain passages of description in "Vittoria" and "Beauchamp's Career", he would still stand at the head of English "dichtung" [the quality Mrs Ward thought the prize should reward] There is no critic now who can be ranged with him in position, and no poet. As a man of letters he is easily first; to compare Mr Spencer's power of clear statement with the play of imaginative genius in Meredith would be absurd - in the literary field'.

Century: 1900-1945     Reader/Listener/Group: Mary Augusta Ward      Print: Book


George Meredith : Vittoria

'[Letter from Mrs Ward to the Society of Authors when that body recommended Herbert Spencer not George Meredith for the Nobel Prize] If Mr Meredith had written nothing but the love scenes in "Richard Feverel"; "The Egoist"; and certain passages of description in "Vittoria" and "Beauchamp's Career", he would still stand at the head of English "dichtung" [the quality Mrs Ward thought the prize should reward] There is no critic now who can be ranged with him in position, and no poet. As a man of letters he is easily first; to compare Mr Spencer's power of clear statement with the play of imaginative genius in Meredith would be absurd - in the literary field'.

Century: 1900-1945     Reader/Listener/Group: Mary Augusta Ward      Print: Book


George Meredith : Beauchamp's Career

'[Letter from Mrs Ward to the Society of Authors when that body recommended Herbert Spencer not George Meredith for the Nobel Prize] If Mr Meredith had written nothing but the love scenes in "Richard Feverel"; "The Egoist"; and certain passages of description in "Vittoria" and "Beauchamp's Career", he would still stand at the head of English "dichtung" [the quality Mrs Ward thought the prize should reward] There is no critic now who can be ranged with him in position, and no poet. As a man of letters he is easily first; to compare Mr Spencer's power of clear statement with the play of imaginative genius in Meredith would be absurd - in the literary field'.

Century: 1900-1945     Reader/Listener/Group: Mary Augusta Ward      Print: Book


Herbert Spencer : 

'[Letter from Mrs Ward to the Society of Authors when that body recommended Herbert Spencer not George Meredith for the Nobel Prize] If Mr Meredith had written nothing but the love scenes in "Richard Feverel"; "The Egoist"; and certain passages of description in "Vittoria" and "Beauchamp's Career", he would still stand at the head of English "dichtung" [the quality Mrs Ward thought the prize should reward] There is no critic now who can be ranged with him in position, and no poet. As a man of letters he is easily first; to compare Mr Spencer's power of clear statement with the play of imaginative genius in Meredith would be absurd - in the literary field'.

Century: 1900-1945     Reader/Listener/Group: Mary Augusta Ward      Print: Book


 : [newspaper interviews with herself]

'[in America] on the very few occasions when Mrs Ward did consent to be interviewed, she insisted on seeing the proof and entirely re-writing what had been put into her mouth'.

Century: 1900-1945     Reader/Listener/Group: Mary Augusta Ward      Print: Unknown, newspaper proofs


Julia Ward Howe : Reminiscences

'[in Boston Mrs Ward] met the fine old veteran, Mrs Julia Ward Howe, author of the "Battle Hymn of the Republic", who had lately brought out her memoirs. Mrs Ward had been somewhat wickedly amused by certain passages in the latter: "Imagine Mrs Ward Howe declaring in public that a poem of hers, which a critic had declared to be in 'pitiable hexameters' (English of course) was not 'in hexameters at all - it was in pentameters of my own make - I never followed any special school or rule!' - I have been gurgling over that in bed this morning".'

Century: 1900-1945     Reader/Listener/Group: Mary Augusta Ward      Print: Book


George Bancroft : History of the United States, from the Discovery of the American Continent.

'[letter from Mrs Ward] I have been reading Bancroft this morning, and shall read G.O.T. tonight. We [italics] were [end italics] fools! - but really, I rather agree with H.G. Wells that they make too much fuss about it! [separation from Britain]'

Century: 1900-1945     Reader/Listener/Group: Mary Augusta Ward      Print: Book


Emile Faguet : Dix-Huitieme Siecle: Études Littéraires

'[Mrs Ward's average day at Stocks began] at 5.30 a.m, with the reading of Greek, or writing of letters, or much reading, for the reading of many books was still her greatest solace and delight. "For reading, I have been deep in Emile Faguet's "Dix-huitieme siecle", she wrote to Mrs Creighton in August, 1908, "comparing some of the essays in it with Sainte-Beuve, the reactionary with the Liberal; reading Raleigh's Wordsworth, and Homer and Horace as usual. If I could only give three straight months to Greek now I should be able to read most things easily, but I never get time enough - and there are breaks when one forgets what one knew before". Greek literature meant more and more to her as the years went on, and though she could give so little time to it, the half-hour before breakfast which she devoted, with her husband, to Homer, or Euripides, or the "Agamemnon", became gradually more precious to her than any other fraction of the day'.

Century: 1900-1945     Reader/Listener/Group: Mary Augusta ward      Print: Book


Charles Augustin Sainte-Beuve : 

'[Mrs Ward's average day at Stocks began] at 5.30 a.m, with the reading of Greek, or writing of letters, or much reading, for the reading of many books was still her greatest solace and delight. "For reading, I have been deep in Emile Faguet's "Dix-huitieme siecle", she wrote to Mrs Creighton in August, 1908, "comparing some of the essays in it with Sainte-Beuve, the reactionary with the Liberal; reading Raleigh's Wordsworth, and Homer and Horace as usual. If I could only give three straight months to Greek now I should be able to read most things easily, but I never get time enough - and there are breaks when one forgets what one knew before". Greek literature meant more and more to her as the years went on, and though she could give so little time to it, the half-hour before breakfast which she devoted, with her husband, to Homer, or Euripides, or the "Agamemnon", became gradually more precious to her than any other fraction of the day'.

Century: 1900-1945     Reader/Listener/Group: Mary Augusta ward      Print: Book


Walter Raleigh : Wordsworth

'[Mrs Ward's average day at Stocks began] at 5.30 a.m, with the reading of Greek, or writing of letters, or much reading, for the reading of many books was still her greatest solace and delight. "For reading, I have been deep in Emile Faguet's "Dix-huitieme siecle", she wrote to Mrs Creighton in August, 1908, "comparing some of the essays in it with Sainte-Beuve, the reactionary with the Liberal; reading Raleigh's Wordsworth, and Homer and Horace as usual. If I could only give three straight months to Greek now I should be able to read most things easily, but I never get time enough - and there are breaks when one forgets what one knew before". Greek literature meant more and more to her as the years went on, and though she could give so little time to it, the half-hour before breakfast which she devoted, with her husband, to Homer, or Euripides, or the "Agamemnon", became gradually more precious to her than any other fraction of the day'.

Century: 1900-1945     Reader/Listener/Group: Mary Augusta ward      Print: Book


Homer : 

'[Mrs Ward's average day at Stocks began] at 5.30 a.m, with the reading of Greek, or writing of letters, or much reading, for the reading of many books was still her greatest solace and delight. "For reading, I have been deep in Emile Faguet's "Dix-huitieme siecle", she wrote to Mrs Creighton in August, 1908, "comparing some of the essays in it with Sainte-Beuve, the reactionary with the Liberal; reading Raleigh's Wordsworth, and Homer and Horace as usual. If I could only give three straight months to Greek now I should be able to read most things easily, but I never get time enough - and there are breaks when one forgets what one knew before". Greek literature meant more and more to her as the years went on, and though she could give so little time to it, the half-hour before breakfast which she devoted, with her husband, to Homer, or Euripides, or the "Agamemnon", became gradually more precious to her than any other fraction of the day'.

Century: 1900-1945     Reader/Listener/Group: Mary Augusta ward      Print: Book


Horace : 

'[Mrs Ward's average day at Stocks began] at 5.30 a.m, with the reading of Greek, or writing of letters, or much reading, for the reading of many books was still her greatest solace and delight. "For reading, I have been deep in Emile Faguet's "Dix-huitieme siecle", she wrote to Mrs Creighton in August, 1908, "comparing some of the essays in it with Sainte-Beuve, the reactionary with the Liberal; reading Raleigh's Wordsworth, and Homer and Horace as usual. If I could only give three straight months to Greek now I should be able to read most things easily, but I never get time enough - and there are breaks when one forgets what one knew before". Greek literature meant more and more to her as the years went on, and though she could give so little time to it, the half-hour before breakfast which she devoted, with her husband, to Homer, or Euripides, or the "Agamemnon", became gradually more precious to her than any other fraction of the day'.

Century: 1900-1945     Reader/Listener/Group: Mary Augusta ward      Print: Book


Euripides : 

'[Mrs Ward's average day at Stocks began] at 5.30 a.m, with the reading of Greek, or writing of letters, or much reading, for the reading of many books was still her greatest solace and delight. "For reading, I have been deep in Emile Faguet's "Dix-huitieme siecle", she wrote to Mrs Creighton in August, 1908, "comparing some of the essays in it with Sainte-Beuve, the reactionary with the Liberal; reading Raleigh's Wordsworth, and Homer and Horace as usual. If I could only give three straight months to Greek now I should be able to read most things easily, but I never get time enough - and there are breaks when one forgets what one knew before". Greek literature meant more and more to her as the years went on, and though she could give so little time to it, the half-hour before breakfast which she devoted, with her husband, to Homer, or Euripides, or the "Agamemnon", became gradually more precious to her than any other fraction of the day'.

Century: 1900-1945     Reader/Listener/Group: Mary Augusta Ward      Print: Book


Aeschylus : Agamemnon

'[Mrs Ward's average day at Stocks began] at 5.30 a.m, with the reading of Greek, or writing of letters, or much reading, for the reading of many books was still her greatest solace and delight. "For reading, I have been deep in Emile Faguet's "Dix-huitieme siecle", she wrote to Mrs Creighton in August, 1908, "comparing some of the essays in it with Sainte-Beuve, the reactionary with the Liberal; reading Raleigh's Wordsworth, and Homer and Horace as usual. If I could only give three straight months to Greek now I should be able to read most things easily, but I never get time enough - and there are breaks when one forgets what one knew before". Greek literature meant more and more to her as the years went on, and though she could give so little time to it, the half-hour before breakfast which she devoted, with her husband, to Homer, or Euripides, or the "Agamemnon", became gradually more precious to her than any other fraction of the day'.

Century: 1900-1945     Reader/Listener/Group: Mary Augusta Ward      Print: Book


Wlliam James : 

'She was deep in the writings of Father Tyrrel, of Bergson and of William James during these years'.

Century: 1900-1945     Reader/Listener/Group: Mary Augusta Ward      Print: Book


George Tyrrell : 

'She was deep in the writings of Father Tyrrel, of Bergson and of William James during these years'

Century: 1900-1945     Reader/Listener/Group: Mary Augusta Ward      Print: Book


Henri Bergson : 

'She was deep in the writings of Father Tyrrel, of Bergson and of William James during these years'

Century: 1900-1945     Reader/Listener/Group: Mary Augusta Ward      Print: Book


William James : 

'[Letter from Mrs Ward to her daughter Janet Trevelyan] It is good to be alive on spring days like this! I have been reading William James on this very point - the worth of being alive - and before that the Emmaus story and the appearance to the Maries'.

Century: 1900-1945     Reader/Listener/Group: Mary Augusta Ward      Print: Book


 : bible

'[Letter from Mrs Ward to her daughter Janet Trevelyan] It is good to be alive on spring days like this! I have been reading William James on this very point - the worth of being alive - and before that the Emmaus story and the appearance to the Maries'.

Century: 1900-1945     Reader/Listener/Group: Mary Augusta Ward      Print: Book



'Mrs Ward never allowed the springs of thought to grow dry for lack of reading. The one advantage that she gained from her short nights - for her hours of sleep were rarely more and often less than six - was that the long hours of wakefulness in the early morning gave her time for the reading of many books and of poetry'.

Century: 1900-1945     Reader/Listener/Group: Mary Augusta Ward      Print: Book


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